written by Malfunction +--------------------+ Foreword: ========= This tutorial is for the beginner who can already code in assembly language and who has already coded real mode DOS programs. So it's for someone like me a half year ago. :) At that time I was searching for some documentation on Win32 assembly. As I searched for this I mostly found assembler tutorials for real mode programs. And I found lots of links pointing to Iczelion's Win32 assembler tutorial, which is written for MASM and uses lots of macro shit. The only Win32 ASM tutorial for TASM I have seen so far was written by ... let me think ... I believe he called himself Masta ... yes, Masta's Win95 ASM tutorial. That wasn't bad, but it didn't explain all the stuff I wanted to know. So I decided to write my own little tutorial on the subject. I wrote this with the aim to write a very complete tutorial. I hope you'll like it! ;) Coding in Win32 environment =========================== As you may know Windows runs in protected mode and so our code will do so as well. Windows provides a virtual address space of theoretically 4GB of memory for every process. The use of this virtual memory allows the system to use the hard disk for swapping when the physical memory ain't enough. When you code, you code in a so called "flat" memory model. This means you don't need to care for the segment registers anymore and that makes the ASM coding a hell easier. You only need DWORD offsets when you address memory in Win32. In contrast to 16-bit systems like DOS and Win 3.1, 32-bit systems use DWORDs as offsets. Do not modify the segment registers or your program will fuck up with a chance of 99,99%. You will use the 32-bit registers much more than before (if you haven't used them already before). Let's take the LOOP instruction for example: Now the whole ECX will decrement and not only CX. Remember that! In protected mode (as the name suggests) the memory can be protected. So you may have read/write access, read only access or no access at all. Maybe you have coded COM files in the past and you always had all your code and your data in one segment. If you try the same here it won't work because: 1) there MUST be something in the data section or the linker will fail 2) the code section is write protected, so don't put any variables in here Many people tried to use interrupts in Win32 inline ASM code. But this doesn't work because you don't call REAL MODE interrupts. You would call the protected mode INTs and the good old DOS INTs aren't available anymore. Instead of INTs you need to use the Windows API. For a complete documentation take a look at Microsoft's MSDN (http://msdn.microsoft.com). It is a similar case with the I/O ports. Because your program will run in priviledge mode 3 (also called RING-3) you won't be able to access some ports. Win95/98/ME don't protect all the I/O ports, but WinNT/2K/XP do. In your DOS programs you might still be able to use some ports because WinNT/2K/XP allow to use them in the Virtual x86 mode for compatiblity reasons. And at last I wanna remind you that you will code CASE SENSITIVE from now on! It's just like in C++. :) This is really important and so write MessageBoxA please and not mESSAGEboXa for example! ;) Hello World! in Win32 ASM ========================= Enough theoretical stuff, let's see some code! ; ------ CUT here ---------------------------------------------- .386 .model flat extrn ExitProcess:proc extrn MessageBoxA:proc .data msg_title DB "MessageBox title",0 msg_message DB "Hello World!",0 .code start: push 0 push offset msg_title push offset msg_message push 0 call MessageBoxA push 0 call ExitProcess end start ; ------ CUT here ---------------------------------------------- And now the explanations. :) - .386 - .model flat I think this is obvious. The processor directive MUST be before the memory model and it must be at least a 386. The model directive says we use a flat memory model. - extrn ExitProcess:proc - extrn MessageBoxA:proc Here we import 2 APIs from Kernel32.dll. Do not forget the :proc after the API names! The linker will give you no error, but your program will definitively fuck up! - msg_title DB "MessageBox title",0 Note that almost every string in Windows is zero terminated. - push 0 - push offset msg_title - push offset msg_message - push 0 - call MessageBoxA At this time we call an API, the MessageBoxA API to be exactly. See below for more info. - push 0 - call ExitProcess Yes, no INTs anymore. We use the ExitProcess API to quit. In this code example I used 0 as exit code. Something more about APIs ========================= The MessageBoxA call might look a little strange to you. Let's see what the MSDN tells us about this API: int MessageBox(HWND hwndOwner, // handle of owner window LPCTSTR lpszText, // address of text in message box LPCTSTR lpszTitle, // address of title of message box UINT fuStyle // style of message box ); In Win32, parameters aren't passed in registers anymore. Instead they are pushed on the stack. You really can assume that every parameter is DWORD size. If you code 'push 0' this instruction will push a DWORD 0 on the stack, not a WORD. If you take a closer look you will notice that the parameters are pushed on the stack in the wrong order. As far as I know is this pascal calling convention. So you have to push the last parameter as the first one and the first parameter as the last one. Then simply call the API. The return value will always be in EAX. If you have already coded Win32 in C++, you may have wondered about that A behind the MessageBox API: "In my C++ code I never typed this ...". Lot's of APIs that use strings are available in two versions: ANSI and UNICODE. The ones with the A are ANSI and the ones with a W at the end are UNICODE (W = Wide chars). Do not forget to save register values which you need before you call an API. In good old DOS times you knew exactly which registers will be destroyed by an INT call, but in the case of APIs you never know. So this is especially important in loops because ECX can be anything after the API call. You can only be sure that EBP won't be changed by an API call. The reason why EBP won't ever be changed by any API is simple: most programs use EBP to build the stack frame. One more code example ===================== Let's have another simple code example. This little program will show the system time in a message box. Here we go: ; ------ CUT here ---------------------------------------------- .386 .model flat extrn ExitProcess:proc extrn MessageBoxA:proc extrn GetSystemTime:proc .data _SYSTEMTIME struc wYear DW ? wMonth DW ? wDayOfWeek DW ? wDay DW ? wHour DW ? wMinute DW ? wSecond DW ? wMilliseconds DW ? _SYSTEMTIME ends SYSTEMTIME _SYSTEMTIME myTitle DB "tell me what time it is ...",0 myMessage DB "The system time is: " time_string DB "00:00 h",0 .code start: push offset SYSTEMTIME call GetSystemTime lea edi,[time_string+4] xor eax,eax mov ax,[SYSTEMTIME.wMinute] call convert_to_string lea edi,[time_string+1] xor eax,eax mov ax,[SYSTEMTIME.wHour] call convert_to_string push 0 push offset myTitle push offset myMessage push 0 call MessageBoxA push 0 call ExitProcess convert_to_string: xor edx,edx mov ecx,10 div ecx or dl,30h mov byte ptr [edi],dl xor edx,edx div ecx or dl,30h dec edi mov byte ptr [edi],dl ret end start ; ------ CUT here ---------------------------------------------- How to compile and link a Win32 program? ======================================== For our 'hello world' program (hello.asm) we would compile it as the following: tasm32 /ml hello.asm tlink32 /Tpe /aa /c hello.obj,,,import32.lib As you can see you need to use tasm32.exe and tlink32.exe and not the DOS verions (it's the same for td32.exe). Let's discuss the parameters briefly: /ml - compile case sensitive /Tpe - set's output to PE (Portable EXE), /Tpd would be DLL /aa - uses Windows API /c - case sensitive linking import32.lib - see below ... How to use APIs from other DLLs? ================================ Normally, you specify only the import32.lib file for the linker. This is the standard file and it's used by the linker for our API references. Import32.lib contains all APIs from kernel32.dll, user32.dll and gdi32.dll (maybe more, but at least these ones). Let's imagine we want to use the registry in our program. For that purpose we need some APIs like RegOpenKeyExA. These registry APIs are in advapi32.dll. In your program code you declare them as normal APIs, but how to tell the linker that we wanna use it? At first, we need to make our own '.lib' file. For that purpose we take the implib.exe from TASM's BIN directory: Implib -c advapi32.lib C:\windows\system\advapi32.dll Do not forget the -c for case sensitive. Now we need to copy the '.lib' file to TASM's LIB directory. And now we can give the linker this additional '.lib' file: tlink32 /Tpe /aa /c program.obj,,,import32.lib advapi32.lib stdcall - does is make the nasty coding easier? =============================================== Lot's of Win32 ASM sources use a model directive like the following: .model flat, stdcall Hmm ... what does stdcall mean? Most coders don't seem to know that. They type it because they have seen it somewhere and there's no problem using it. I may be wrong here, but it seems to me that this is only something that shall make parameter pushing easier. All the documentation on the APIs is written for C++ and it is really nasty to begin with the last parameter. Let's take the call to the MessageBoxA API from the 'hello world' program above. Using the stdcall we could write it like this: call MessageBoxA, 0, offset msg_message, offset msg_title, 0 Yes, all in one line. The compiler will produce the push instructions for us. The special thing here is that the parameters are given in the correct order. In my opinion, this makes the code less readable and makes some little optimizations impossible. If you want to call an API that needs lots of parameters the line with the call could be very long. To continue the call in the next line you can use a '\' at the end of a line. Example: call CreateProcessA, 0, offset commandline, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\ offset startupinfo, offset processinformation Writing your own DLL ==================== Let's imagine you want to write your own DLL and you want to export some of it's functions. Just write it like a normal program. The exported function should be written like this: public myFunction myFunction PROC ; your code goes here ... ret myFunction ENDP If you don't declare your function as public the linker will give you a warning. The initialization stuff at the entry point of your program must quit with a 'ret 0Ch' and NOT with ExitProcess! The reason is simple: The loader calls the entry point like this: BOOL WINAPI DllEntryPoint( HINSTANCE hinstDLL, // handle of DLL module DWORD fdwReason, // reason for calling function LPVOID lpvReserved // reserved ); In your DllEntryPoint you can do some initialization stuff. This entrypoint is called several times. It is called when the DLL is being attached to process or thread or when it's being detached from a process or thread. Check the MSDN for the different values of the fdwReason parameter. Some of the registers must be preserved in your DLL entrypoint. This is very important because if you don't preserve them the process which loaded the DLL will be terminated without any error message after the DLL entrypoint was run. I don't know exactly which registers must be preserved, but ESI for sure. It's a good idea to preserve simply all register by using PUSHAD and POPAD. The return value is only of importance when the entrypoint is called with the DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH value for the fwdReason. It must be nonzero (true) to signalize the LoadLibrary API that the initialization was successful. If you return zero the DLL will be removed from the process. Construct your entrypoint like this: dllmain: pushad ; ... ; code ; ... popad mov eax,1 ret 0Ch To export your function you need to write a '.def' file. These definition files seem to be very similar to the C++ ones. I don't know much about them, but I know that you can write the following to export your function: EXPORTS myFunction That's all. To link the file you need to specify the '.def' file and you must use /Tpd instead of /Tpe. Using resources =============== The standard application icon looks boring ... Let's give your program another icon! All we need is an icon (of course *g*) and a '.rc' file. Again, these resource scripts are very similar (maybe even equal) to the C++ ones. Again, I don't know much about '.rc' files, I only used icons so far. :( The contents of your resource script should look like: 100 ICON "C:\path\filename.ico" Having this resource files you need to compile it to a *.res file. Use the brcc32.exe to do this: brcc32.exe myfile.rc Then you only need to give the filename of your *.res file as a parameter to the linker. Simply start tlink32 /? to see how to do this. (I'm too lazy to type this and it's now 04:05 o'clock here *g*). Last words ========== I really hope you liked this tutorial. It really took me some time to write all this stuff and two beer, one cigarette, one potion of Snus (swedish tobacco) and noisy music were needed to help me writing. :)) Please mail if you think this tutorial is great, if you think this tutorial suckz (but then tell me WHY) or if you have a question about Win32 assembly (but do not expect that I can answer it, hehe). I'm happy about every mail I receive and I promise to answer. mal.function@gmx.net (c) 2001 Malfunction
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Writing Win32 programs in assembly language using TASM
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