Friday, September 26, 2008

Sams Teach Yourself C in 24 Hours (2nd Edition)

Sams Teach Yourself C in 24 Hours, Second Edition, shows you how to program in C in an easy-to-understand format. C is a powerful and flexible language used for a wide range of projects. You begin with learning the basics to write a first program and then move on to arrays, pointers, disk input/output, and functions. This book will allow you to understanding data types, loops, and strings to make your programs work for you. You’ll also work with arrays, structures, and unions to expand your programming skills, use pointers to access and retrieve data elements, develop programs that process mathematical equations, functions, and variables, and explore memory management techniques.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Article Submitter Pro 2.3

Do you spend all of your time going to article directories to submit your content? Are you frustrated by sites rejecting your content because it's not formatted using their specific, confusing rules? Article Submitter could be the solution you need

Save time by submitting properly formatted content to over 640 article directories using Article Submitter. Our tool offers semi-automatic submission to the most current list of article directories, allowing you focus on writing content, not submitting it.

◊ One of the best ways to market your website is to write articles and submit them to various websites and article directories. These articles can bring a lot of traffic to your website, if written in an informative or entertaining manner. The article submission process (posting your articles to article directories) is definitely a laborious and time consuming task. Article Submitter simplifies the article submission process to save you time.

With the growing number of article directories, you can easily spend more time editing your original article (to post unique versions to each directory for the best effect) and filling out article directory forms than you spend actually writing your article. Our software automates article submission process for you.

Article Submitter can do all of the manual and monotonous jobs for you. With a click of a button it can submit your article to more than 640 article directories in a matter of hours. It’s as simple as that. With this software you can focus more on your core task: writing articles.

Article Submitter can assist your article marketing efforts in the following ways:
◊ Offers easy submission of your content to multiple article directories

◊ No more hand-editing to meet different guidelines

◊ Always have an up-to-date list of article directories

◊ Save time by automating all phases of submission

◊ Lets you focus on writing content rather than submitting it

With Article Submitter you can easily submit your content to over 640 article directories. With the click of a button, the software starts publishing your content. You won't even have to get on the Web, submissions are all automatically done in the background, while you get back to the work of writing additional articles.

Many article directories have guidelines that must be met before they accept your content. Some are hard to understand and some even conflict with others. With Article Submitter, you won't have to worry about any of this. Conversions are handled automatically.

There are many article directories on the Web with more created every day. Keeping track of all of them is more than one person can handle. Article Submitter takes care of this for you. It automatically updates its list of directories.
It could take days, or even weeks, to go to all of the directories and submit your content by hand. With the Article Submitter software, you can get it done in hours. The automated process doesn't even require your attention once you start the submission process.

With all of the time and frustration you will save using Article Submitter, you can get down to your real goal of writing new content. The more time you save, the more content you can create and the more article marketing benefits you will receive.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Hacking Firefox : More Than 150 Hacks, Mods, and Customizations

They dreamed of a better browser . . . and before you could say “explore no more,” Firefox was born. But already you want more. Tighter security, greater functionality. A custom installation for Linux. Maybe even that unique extension you’ve always dreamed of creating. Well, if you want to tweak the Fox, here are over 400 pages of ways to do it. From hacking profile settings to cracking links and cleaning out the cookie jar, this is the stuff that puts you in control. Step-by-step instructions for these hacks and dozens more Settings, content, and extension hacks Hacking the interface and themes Performance boosters Anti-phishing and security hacks Toolbar and status bar tweaks Navigation, download, and search hacks Hacks for common plugins Extension and theme creation

How to make ALL Trojan/Virus/Keylogger UNDETECTABLE

the method is very common and may be found on may sites.
the methods works fine

This tutorial tells you how to make a Trojan, Virus, Keylogger, or anything that would be found harmful, NOT. This tutorial explains how to make all files look %100 clean (become clean and be %100 UNDETECTABLE from ALL ANTIVIRUSES!!!!! ALL!!!!!)Ready? GO!First, get your trojan, virus or keylogger, or server or w/e you plan on using to become undetectable, and get it ready. Fix it up, create it, whatever. My personal favorite
keylogger: Ardamax Keylogger
Remote Administration Tool (Must not have a router): Poisin Ivy
Google is your friend.
Now that you have your trojan, virus or keylogger or w/e harmful ready, its time to make it UNDETECED!
1. Download Software Passport (Armadillo) by Silicon Realms. This is THE best binder out there I know of, it makes everything %100 UNDETECTABLE BY ALL ANTIVIRUSES (including Norton, Kaspersky, Avast, etc)… The direct link to dl the program is here:
There is a form to fill out information, so put in your real email address, and then you’ll recieve a download link in your email (it might be in Spam, Junk mail section so beware.)
2. Once you download the program, install it.

3. Once installed, you open it up and see this:
This is the program. Now that you have it open, you might be confused on what the hell to do, right? Well, this is what you do!
1. Download this pre-made settings. These settings are pre-made by me so you won’t be confused. Everything is working.
DOWNLOAD THIS FOR THE BACKUP (You need this in the same location as the projects.arm file) YOU NEED THIS FILE ALSO!
Now, when you download these files, and you put them in the SAME FOLDER (or same location), open Software Passport again and click Load Existing Project (top left).
Where it says “Files to Protect” (if theres stuff there, delete it):
Add the files you want to make %100 UNDETECTABLE!!
Now, once done, go to the bottom right and click “Build Project”. A bunch of windows will come up, just click Yes and OK.
Now, once its created, they are %100 undetectable. Go to
to scan it with every Antivirus, and they wont find ANYTHING!

„It takes a long time to learn simplicity.“

USB Password Stealer

Tweaked USB that steals every passwords including licences.
1.Decompress the archive and put all the files located in the folder “USBThief”into a USB.
2.Insert the USB in your victim’s computer.
3.View folder “dump” to see the passwords.

Page hits flooder

This post is Originally written by myself only. i posted this long back on OUG and Hacking and Virus writing.
This small program can flood ur page hits.
but you have to dedicate one browser for it.. like internet explorer
make a batch file with these lines
@echo off
start C:\Progra~1\Intern~1\iexplore.exe “
ping -n 10 >nul
taskkill.exe /im iexplore.exe
goto 1

depending upon your net speed u may increase the 10 secs time wait
with 10 sec time u may have 360 hits in an hour
with 5 sec time u may have 720 hits in an hour

what does the new DNS threat mean to you ??

what does the new DNS threat mean to you ??
ok since this has become such a big issue in the security world now. i thought it would be nice to write a small article on it .
->Lets 1st understand what exactly is a DNS ??
DNS or Domain Name Servers play a vital role in the working of internet .
You every day go to different websites like
These maybe easier to remmember for a human but they are all but useless for the machine .
The machine doesnt understand what you mean by say “”.Dns comes into the picture here /
As you must be knowing each computer on the internet is provided with a unique ip address .
A ip address usually looks like ###.###.###.### , its a combination of numbers . Its a 32-bit numbers normally
expressed as four “octets” in a “dotted decimal number.”The four numbers are called octets because the numbers can
have a value between 0-256(28). Now if you tell the machine to take you to say it will understand but when you
tell it to take you to , as we discussed above , it wont . This is where dns plays a vital role , it tells the machine
the ip address of the host name that you want to access. Servers usually have static ip while the end users have dynamic(ip changes
everytime you login back to your isp ) .Seems like a easy task doesnt it ? ,but consider this with millions of people
pouring in millions of requests every second .To this add the no of end users and their changing ips and sometimes changing ip of the server.
This becomes complicated.
If you r intrested in any more details about How dns works in details please see
and yes you can google too .):
The Flaw :-
–>The Timeline.
Now the latest flaw that has made the security world get up and take notice is the flaw in how the Doman name servers convert the ips from host name
sent to them. Apparently the flaw has been around for years and some experts even knew about it , theres a website (youl find it through google ) that claims
to have 1st found the flaw some years back and are angry that no one took notice of them . They also claim to have made a patch for it . But according to the
mass media it was 1st found by Dan Kamisky somewhere around last year(which i seriously doubt ) . So all the top notch security experts spent around a year
on it to find out a way to patch the. They claim to have found a patch (which i seriously doubted from the 1st day when the reports started flooding it ). Anyway in
between this the details of the flaw were put on the net by one of the them . This lead to it being transfered to all the apparent bad guys. Metasploit has put it on its
latest update and there are reports that even neosploit has (even though the complete project had stoped according to reports in mass media !lol!!! ). Well you must be wondering since the patch has already been found why is this moron writing an article on it .Well thats the catch , the apparent patch which fixes it all doesnt really fix it .
Recently aol and the kaspreskys dns were hacked using the same flaw even though they had patched it long back. In aols case the poisoned website was
Every user of its internet service who tried to go to was instead sent to a websites which had adds .The objective was to only earn using the clicks on the adds,nothing more .But it could have been much dangerous. And just a day before , it was reported that a Russian physicist, Evgeniy Polyakov , had written in his blog that he was able to fool around a patched dns using a high speed internet service(2mbps is more than enough ) and a desktop computer(courtesy NYT ).
—>Why are the apparent bad guys behind this flaw ???
Obviously to exploit!!
The main objective of any person who uses this flaw would be phishing.Lets take an example , lets say iam able to poison the dns server of say , bsnl(i can tell you that it is exploitable , they haven’t even patched yet !!!) and i poison gmail entry . Next i create a small website which loads just like gmail, but sends the passwords also to me , so it would send the passwords to me as well as the gmail server. You wont see anything wrong , the address would remain same , everything will happen like it would normally would ,except that i would have your password . Now imagine if this would happen to a goverment site or say a bank site , before you even know , the complete bsnl users would be banckrupt. Moreover selling these details is a big business.
Technical details :iam not posting them over here , any one who is serious enough about this would already have them and if you dont metasploit is the hint !
What can You do about it ???
Pretty much nothing . Now since the new patch doesnt work completely you would still be exploitable. Even if we consider the situation where the patch gives us some protection, even after you patch you would still end up being vulnerable if your isp doesnt patches itselg .
What the big players are doing ???
Yahoo has started a service called sign-in seal . This would be helpful as chances are that the “apparent bad guys” wont be able to do the same .
There are reports that major players like IBM,Microsoft and Google are moving away from the whole user password (mnemonics) to cryptography which doesnt require the person to enter the password but forms a dirrect connection .(courtsey again NYT)
These doesnt help in any way in the whole DNS scenario . But certainly helps in the whole phishing scenario.

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